Shopify App - Add products to your store

Shopify App - Add products to your store

With your Shopify store set up and the Geko App installed you are now ready to add our products and start selling.

Go to the integrations section of our site and select sync products. 

You now have two options:
  1. Sync all products
  2. Sync only selected products
After adding the products the stock will remain continuously synced.

Sync all products
This option will add all of our products to your Shopify store on one click. NOTE: Shopify can be slow to process the syncing of products. If you select this option it can take up to 24 hours for all products to show in your store.
Simply tick the box for "Sync all products:" then click the button to sync products. 

The products will the begin syncing. The process can take up to 24 hours.

Sync Selected Products
This option will only add the products you select to your Shopify store. Hover your mouse over the chosen products and click the button add to sync.

Continue to select all the products you would like and these will show under selected products on the left.

After selecting all the products you would like scroll to the bottom of the list on the left and click the button for Sync Products.
The products will the begin syncing to your store. The process can take up to 24 hours depending on the number selected.

Synced Products
Now you can see any products selected show as synced.
The following data is included when adding products to your Shopify store:
  1. Item name
  2. Full description
  3. All images
  4. Cost price
  5. RRP as sale price
  6. Barcode
  7. HS commodity code
  8. Category as item Tag
After the product has been added to your store you are free to change any part of the listing including price, name, description ect. The only part that will continue to be updated is the stock quantity. This will remain continuously synced. Therefore keep an eye out for any price changes and product discontinuations which will be notified to you by email only.

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